The Boeing Stearman is one of the most famous biplanes in the world. Stearmans are highly practical flying machines due to their smart, 1930's design and their simplicity of use. This classic plane, designed by Lloyd Stearman, did earn her reputation as “The biplane built like a truck that flies like an angel”.
Flying legends like these proved to be valuable as mail plane, airmen trainer and crop duster.

The Old Crow is one of the few flying Boeing Stearmans in The Netherlands. This born-in-1943 biplane is owned by The Storyteller and is in use for a number of activities, such as air tours, aviation theatre and air shows.

This website tells you about the history of the Boeing Stearman in general, and the Old Crow in particular, as well as everything about her crew, the equipment and of course lots of pictures and video/audio material of this magnificent biplane.