Stearman biplanes are almost unbreakable and are never are out of work.
Tail to the ground, noses upright, always reaching to her natural medium; the sky! Stearmans never land totally. This magic gets hands and feet in the activities of The Storyteller. The Storyteller sets forth into the world with an entertaining variety show full of acts, stories and flashes of wit. He supplies every aviation event with passion, magic and devotion. See 


Air touring
Do you want to fly in a legendary machine? In an open-top aircraft, with flying goggles and leather helmet? You can now! The Storyteller takes you into his world in the “Old Crow”. An aircraft of many lives and stories. War pilots, crop dusters and others have flown this aircraft. Experience their mysticism! Join the adventures thirties style! First a briefing and then up in the air. You will operate the control stick under supervision. When the large radial engine falls silent after landing, you will truly ask yourself: was this for real or a dream? As a lasting memory to your flight, you get a beautiful and unique Flight Certificate.
Make your experience totally complete and purchase the DVD with unique historical footage and video recordings of your flight!

These extraordinary flights are only possible on special dates.
For bookings or more information click here.

“The archetype of movement is walking. The archetype of flying is flying a biplane”

The Boeing N2S-3 Stearman “Old Crow” always draws an audience, wherever it goes. The unique colour scheme, the timeless flying image and the sonorous sound of its beautiful radial engine are a thrill to any aviation heart. The smoke system, a modern on-board video camera system and a tow-hook, the Old Crow is a marvellous appearance at any air show or flight exhibition.

At your service
The Old Crow is operated by The Storyteller. The loyal biplane is history in flight, a living legend, an inspiring décor, a safe means of transport, a terrific platform for film/photo/TV recordings, a workhorse and a wise master. And as far as any other ideas are concerned: The sky is the limit! Do you have any wishes or ideas? The Storyteller listens and makes a suitable proposal.

“The Old Crow is dedicated to people of all times and nations who strive for world peace”